Preston Adams


DePaul University, Chicago IL β€” Bachelors in Computer Science:
Game Systems Concentration
Graduated June 11th, 2021

Programming Languages I work with

C++, C#, Lua, Python, Java, Java Script, Bash

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Game Projects

Heart Breakers

A Commercial Indie Game Project I'm working on as a programmer with Project Lead, Artist, and Animator - Goki

  • solo and 2 player versus mode
  • Flood-Fill algorithm to find gems by color for detonation chains
  • Player Inputs use a command pattern and Queue
  • Replay system serializes input commands and gem drop order into a replay file
  • Replay system Used for recording matches and investigating Bugs caught during gameplay
  • State-Machine driven player character
  • Character dynamically tilts during running animation when turning around at a sharp angle
  • Camera Collision Prevents it from clipping outside level
  • Camera can lock onto enemies and strafe while keeping player character on screen
  • When locked onto enemy you can dodge roll left or right around the enemy
  • Sliding wall Collision code to detect walls and corners to stop or redirect player’s velocity

My Capstone Project for university. Made in Unity with C# and playable from the web browser. I programmed, modeled and animated characters, and composed the music for the game project. I outsourced tasks for SFX creation, and commissioned an illustrator for 2D art for the Title.

I teamed up with some of my classmates to do a Game Jam project in 72 hours. I was the programmer and music composer for our team. The game was made in Unity with C#. Our Game Ranked 11th out of 108 entries.The title art for the game was illustrated by me. You can play the game from your web browser.

A simple 3D Engine written in Lua with the Love 2D framework. I had to write 'object classes' for: Matrices and Vectors Implimented Matrix and Vect math functions to support drawing and transforming 3D shapes into the NDC with a perspective matrix. Implimented 3D transformation, rotation, and scaling in world space. I was developing this to add 3D background elements for my game project, Gunner Zed Supported features: loading 3D models via parsing of .obj files, A Model veiwer mode with manual translation and manual rotation with button keys, Z-depth sorting for tris, UV textures, Simple lighting

A game prototype made with Lua in Pico 8 to experiment with designing code architecture for shoot-em-up games. I wrote a 2D colision system for detecting intersections between AABB and circle collision volumes, a simple level editor interface that uses arrays of enemy ID integers to create levels, and a system for customizing back ground visuals for the levels. One cool gameplay feature added to one of the playable ships was a homing attack shot type. Using linear-interpolation a distance calculations between the player bullets and list of active enemies the bullets will travel to the nearest enemy. The bullets can even split into different streams to target multiple enemies at the same time.

Wrote a small puzzle challenge using a simple linked list and c# delegates. Timer was written to facilitate how long a game session would last. Portals were designed to help players keep their momentum and score points faster

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